Saturday, December 6, 2008

Attention all Men--An Easy Guide, Shopping for Women

Men are smart--they don't like spending hours at the mall. They tend to militarize their shopping:

1- List items needed
2- Be sure to get color and sizes for these women
3- List stores to shop

I've heard most men take two hours maximum to get all their shopping done in the same day. Amazing! But what if they are the victim of "Oh Honey, I really don't need anything". Translation: "You better surprise the dickens out of me and I don't mean Charles Dickens". This can be dreadful and daunting for a man.

For those who are unsure what to get the teenage daughter, wife, girlfriend, mother, or mother-in-law, you rarely can go wrong with jewelry and accessories. Blog Sisters has listed some safe bets that are reasonably priced. If you notice carefully, many of them look like Tiffany jewelry but at Target (pronounced Tar-zhay) prices. Best of all, you don't have to go to a crowded, mob scene mall.

Let's begin with jewelry:

The silver heart necklace with pave diamonds is a classic. This stunner is perfect for a girlfriend or wife. Price: $59 at Amazon (Get FREE shipping with orders over $25).

Then there's the matching bracelet, for only $39.00

And if she's been an extra good girl this year, then get her both, as a set!

Opals are my favorite stone (Christine) and also my birthstone. It's mosaic brilliant blue and green shades make it versatile and ideal for both casual outfits or formal wear.

Peruse the Amazon site for more great deals. The FREE Shipping with orders over $25 make it the best deal online!


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