Friday, September 11, 2009

You Being Beautiful

The age-old expression, "Beauty comes from within" is at the essence of a new book by popular "pop doctor" Dr. Oz. You've seen him on Oprah and now ABC news invites him as a regular guest.

Dr. Oz shares beauty secrets from a medical standpoint but in layman's terms not medical jargon where the individual doesn't just feel enlightened but EMPOWERED.

According to Dr. Oz, it's not Japanese-ironed hair or long legs or the width of your nose that defines beauty. It's the texture of your skin and other below the dermis and non physical approaches that lead to a happier and healthier life.

The doctors take a scientific, informative, and entertaining look at the three levels of beauty and explain how they all work together to form a complete, and authentic YOU.

Those three levels:
Looking Beautiful: Your appearance influences your self-esteem and has major health implications. Here, the docs will tell you how you can look the way you want.
Feeling Beautiful: So what if you have luscious lips or gorgeous locks if your joints creak and you have the energy of a rug? The docs will tell you how to improve your energy levels, beat back your life-altering aches and pains, and help you come to grips with some of life's toughest stresses.
Being Beautiful: By improving your relationships with your loved ones as well as with others, you'll be well on your way to finding true happiness. That's the ultimate goal: Having all three levels of beauty working together so you can have a happy and healthy life.

Order the book now on AMAZON


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